Queens NY Pest Control

We Offer Complete Exterminator Pest Control Services For Any Specific Situation Or Issue. We Can Handle Any Type Of Pest Exterminator Problem From Start To Finish

Telephone: (718) 715-4148

JB Queens NY Pest Control Roaches

Queens NY Pest Control Roaches

Brown Banded Cockroaches in particular carry bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea.

JB Queens NY Pest Control Bed Bugs Bedbugs

Queens NY Pest Control Bed Bugs Bedbugs

We are experts in treating and eliminating bed bugs in your home or business. We use only proven methods to treat and eradicate your bed bug problem.

JB Queens NY Pest Control Fleas Ticks

Queens NY Pest Control Fleas Ticks

Like ticks and bed bugs, fleas are parasites living off their host’s blood supply for the express purpose of eating and breeding. While they are at it, they can also cause you a great deal of discomfort

JB Queens NY Pest Control Other Pest Insects Rodents

Queens NY Pest Control Other Pest Insects Rodents

Gnats, Flies, Spiders, Moth, Mosquitoes, Wasp, Bees, Hornets, Lice, Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Worms, Beetles, Earwigs, Crickets, Weevils, Silverfish, Centipede, Millipede

JB Queens NY Pest Control Mice Rats Mouse

Queens NY Pest Control Mice Rats Mouse

House Mice are the most commonly encountered of all rodents and found everywhere from homes and open fields to agricultural land and just about anyplace else along the way.

JB Queens NY Pest Control Ants

Queens NY Pest Control Ants

Ants rank among the most common of all pests as well as among the most aggressive and invasive. Established ant colonies can harbor close to a half million...